Nourishing Nutrients for Your Lawn: A Spring Care Guide

on Apr 01, 2023
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Spring is a critical time for lawn care, as the grass begins to come out of dormancy and starts to grow actively again. Feeding your lawn with the right nutrients during this time can help it recover from the winter stress and promote healthy growth throughout the spring and summer.

While pesticides may seem like a quick solution to protect your lawn from pests and diseases, many nourishing nutrients can be just as effective without harming the environment or risking the health of your family and pets.

In this article, we will explore the most nourishing nutrients you can feed your lawn in the spring, why you should do it, and how to apply them effectively.


Nitrogen is the most essential nutrient for grass growth, and feeding your lawn with nitrogen-rich fertilizers in the spring is vital. Nitrogen helps promote healthy root growth, enhance chlorophyll production, and increase overall plant vigor. According to the University of Minnesota Extension, lawns typically require one pound of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet of lawn per application in the spring, with a total of two to four applications per year.

It's important to choose a slow-release nitrogen fertilizer that will provide a steady supply of nutrients over time rather than a quick-release fertilizer that can cause rapid growth and then burn out quickly. Look for fertilizers that contain organic nitrogen sources, such as blood meal, fish meal, or feather meal, as these will provide not only nitrogen but also other essential micronutrients that your lawn needs.


Phosphorus is another crucial nutrient for lawn growth, particularly during the establishment of new grass seedlings. It helps promote root growth, improve seedling vigor, and increase disease resistance. While most lawns have adequate levels of phosphorus in the soil, adding a small amount in the spring can help kickstart growth and promote healthy development.

Be cautious when using phosphorus fertilizers, as excess phosphorus can contribute to water pollution and harm aquatic ecosystems. Check with your local extension service or environmental agency to determine if phosphorus is restricted in your area and to learn how to apply it safely.


Potassium is essential for maintaining overall lawn health and helping it cope with stress, such as drought, heat, or cold. It also helps improve disease resistance and enhance root growth, making it an important nutrient to apply in the spring. Potassium is typically found in soil, but it can become depleted over time, especially in sandy soils or lawns that receive frequent heavy rainfall.

Look for fertilizers that contain potassium sulfate, potassium nitrate, or other organic sources of potassium, and apply them at a rate of one pound per 1,000 square feet of lawn. Avoid applying potassium in the fall, as this can lead to winter damage and salt buildup.


Iron is not a macronutrient like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, but it is vital in promoting lawn health and aesthetics. Iron helps enhance the green color of grass blades, increase chlorophyll production, and improve drought tolerance. Iron is also important for reducing diseases like rust and dollar spots.

You can apply iron in ferrous sulfate, iron chelate, or iron sulfate at a rate of one pound per 1,000 square feet of lawn. Avoid applying iron during drought or when temperatures exceed 85°F, as this can cause leaf burn.

Why You Should Feed Your Lawn with Nourishing Nutrients in the Spring

Feeding your lawn with nourishing nutrients in the spring can provide many benefits, including:

  1. Promoting healthy growth: Nutrient-rich fertilizers can help your lawn recover from winter stress and promote healthy growth throughout the spring and summer.
  2. Enhancing root development: Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are essential for root growth, which is crucial for a healthy and resilient lawn.

  3. Increasing disease resistance: A well-fed lawn is better able to resist diseases and pests, reducing the need for harmful pesticides.

  4. Improving water retention: Properly fertilized lawns can hold water better, reducing the need for frequent watering and conserving water resources.

  5. Enhancing soil health: Nutrient-rich fertilizers can improve soil quality and increase beneficial microbial activity, leading to a healthier and more resilient lawn.

How to Apply Nourishing Nutrients to Your Lawn

Applying nourishing nutrients to your lawn requires careful timing, proper dosage, and correct application technique. Here are some tips to help you feed your lawn effectively:

  1. Test your soil: Before applying any fertilizers, it's important to test your soil to determine its nutrient levels and pH. You can get a soil testing kit from your local extension office or a commercial soil testing lab. Based on the results, you can choose the appropriate fertilizer and adjust the application rate accordingly.

  2. Choose the right fertilizer: Look for slow-release fertilizers that contain organic sources of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, as these will provide a steady supply of nutrients over time and improve soil health. Avoid fertilizers that contain high levels of salt or heavy metals, as these can harm the environment and pose a risk to human and animal health.

  3. Apply at the right time: Spring is the ideal time to apply fertilizers, as the grass is coming out of dormancy and starting to grow actively. Avoid applying fertilizers during hot and dry weather, which can cause leaf burn and reduce nutrient uptake.

  4. Apply evenly: Use a broadcast or drop spreader to apply the fertilizer evenly across the lawn. Make sure to overlap each pass to avoid missed spots or over-application.

  5. Water after application: After applying the fertilizer, water your lawn lightly to help the nutrients penetrate the soil and reach the roots. Avoid over-watering, as this can leach the nutrients away and contribute to water pollution.


Feeding your lawn with nourishing nutrients in the spring is a vital part of lawn care that can promote healthy growth, enhance root development, and increase disease resistance. Choosing the right fertilizers, applying them at the right time and dosage, and using proper application techniques can help your lawn thrive and reduce the need for harmful pesticides.

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